Seniman Team Block
This block will shown your team post as grid item. You need to add a post type team before use this block.
- Post Setting

This option will allow you to set how much post to shown in a block. Set an offset post, to jump your latest post to 2 or more post after it. Assign a post display by category and order it by variant order type. In this block you will found “Infinite Loop” option that will display a “load more” button to reveal your next page post into current page, below previous posts.
- Style Setting

As we told you before, this block have 2 style that each style need their own needs. So in this section you will be able to set their style like colors, font size, font weight or even decide to not shown the elements.
- Layout Setting

Like the section name, this section contain an option for setting the main news layout. You can set it as list (100% width) or you can make it horizontal and select the post column in a row. Add a margin bottom to each posts and give it padding if you want.
Team Block Result :