Post Type – Album
This post will display in home page. You can add a gallery inside this album.
Step by step :
- Enter title here.

- Fill the text editor with your content.

- Add image here and the image will display as featured image.

Like page template, post type have a “Page Title” option. This option only work for Album post type. If you allow “Use Concept Title” box, your title will show above gallery section. You can set a background image and text align with this feature.

Album page title result:

This post type have 12 basic layout. You can choose it at “Single Album Gallery” option.
You can set that option below publish button on your post editor sidebar.
- Default Creative Grid/Masonry

Default Creative Grid/Masonry (depend on your image height) is a static gallery layout. You can’t configure the column for gallery item. But you can set the layout wrapper.

- Polaroid Layout

Polaroid photostack gallery is a static gallery layout. This layout will showcase all of your gallery images inside a singular album post type. You can set the layout wrapper. This layout have 2 side of image frame, if you click the rotate icon (inside active bullet), your image will flipped and change into image meta data info.

You should tell your reader for this info using gallery subtitle or content editor. So they can know where to read the info eventhough we provide that icon inside active navigation bullet.
- Standard Grid

Standard Grid Gallery have it’s own feature. You can set the gallery image column from 2 column until 5 column images. You also be able to configure gallery layout with container or fullwidth or even inherit from “Theme Options”. This gallery also allowing you to enable/disable space between each image.

Grid Gallery will crop your image as same size. Please upload an iamge with 940×705 pixels size dimension if you want to use this layout. From example image above, we use container layout with Three Column and Gallery With Space selected.
- Standard Masonry

Standard Masonry Gallery have it’s own feature. You can set the gallery image column from 2 column until 5 column images. You also be able to configure gallery layout with container or fullwidth or even inherit from “Theme Options”. This gallery also allowing you to enable/disable space between each image.

Masonry gallery had special feature class for each gallery image. As you can see at the example image below, the second image have double width from normal gallery image. From the gallery image option above, you can set “wide” attribute at “Alt Text” to make your image larger (2x normal image). “Height” attribute will make your selected image have double height from normal image. Default height image (long image ones, like 4th image) is default iamge without any attribute.

From image above, we use four column with space masonry gallery layout.
- Grid Swap Effect

Same with Concept Swap Grid, this gallery have it’s option callerd “Gallery Swap Effect”. There are 3 different effect that you can use for this gallery load image effect.

This layout need a lot of images to make the windows scroll and load your images with this effect. Picture above is an example for image are loaded and being loaded.
- Grid Expand Gallery

This layout have static column with 2 image per row. You only be able to choose content wrap type with this gallery with container or fullwidth.

This gallery will make your image larger (normally to default size) after you click an item. No description or meta info for this layout.
- Full Slider Gallery

Same with Concept Slit Slider ( Fullwidth Slider ), the layout looks better with full width gallery layout.

Your gallery will turn into light box after you hit “VIEW MORE” button inside slider content.
- SVG Grid Gallery

Same with SVG Grid Concept template, the layout looks better with full width gallery layout.

Your gallery will turn into light box after you hit “VIEW MORE” button inside slider content.
- Slider Info Gallery

Same with Full Width Slider gallery, this layout disable “Gallery Layout” option useless you set it on Theme Options. The content are static with full width slider.

Your picture meta data will show if it available.
- List Gallery

This layout will showcase your gallery image as list with image’s name and meta data detail. You can choose gallery layout type with this layout, better with full width gallery.

This layout allow you to activate “Adaptive Background” feature for each list. Your list background will have same color with dominant image color.
- Polaroid Grid Gallery

This layout will showcase your gallery images as grid with with border. You can choose the Gallery Layout type also set gallery image column.

If you decide to use this layout as your gallery, we recommend to use Gallery With Space for better look.
- Carousel Gallery

This layout will showcase your gallery images as carousel slide. This template have its own option that allow you to define the image width and height, but please note, USE IMAGE WITH DIMENSION MORE THAN YOUR CROP VALUE. Feel free to set the column of carousel image. For the example image we use 300px width, 1200px height and 8 column carousel image.

If you click every image on active carousel, your will directed into light box version of that image.