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Page Template – Concept

Showcase your album posts with many type of concept tempate. Concept page will display your album as post loop.

There are 18 concept for a page as you can see in page editor.

  • Concept Slider Stack

This template doesn’t have a single page. Your album gallery image will show as toogle after you click the arrow or title. Then you can click at each images to show the large version of gallery image.

This looks after user or reader click the title or arrow up icon.

After click on single image on the lists, your image will popup as lightbox.

  • Concept Fullwidth Slider

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as slider image. The slider will showcase all of your album posts.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Polaroid Photostack

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as paraloid image with title. You can click at the navigation bullet to change album posts. On active album posts, you can double click at the nav bullet and the polaroid image will flip to back and show the content text of album post.

The navigation bullets will indexing as much as your published album posts.

  • Concept Polariod Elastic Stack

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as single paraloid image with title.

User or reader are free to drag the images into white space of pages to change the album posts display. If you click on the title, you’ll be directed to each single album post.

  • Concept SVG Grid

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as image grid. This concept template are static, so you can’t set item column for this template. The template will always going with 4 column grid images per row.

But you are free to choose the layout to container or fullwidth at page options or it’s layout option.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button after hovering an album item.

  • Concept Album Grid

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as image grid. If you considered to use this concept template, then please use “Album” post type feature image at least 940 x 705px. Because this template will crop all album feature images.

This template have its own option that allow you to choose your post column. At the example image we use 3 column with container. You also free to choose the layout to container or fullwidth at page options.

If you check the “With Space” box, then your grid images will not have white spaces and sticky each other.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click each images.

  • Concept Album Masonry

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as image masonry.

This template have its own option that allow you to choose your post column. At the example image we use 3 column with container. You also free to choose the layout to container or fullwidth at page options.

If you check the “With Space” box, then your grid images will not have white spaces and sticky each other.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click each images.

  • Concept Swap Grid

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as image masonry. This concept template are static, so you can’t set layout type for this template useless you use page option.

This template have its own option that allow you to choose the animation for every loaded images. But this effect only work on images that not loaded at first load. Which mean, you need a lot of album posts and make this template scroll. After scroll your image will shown with the effect.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click each images.

  • Concept Carousel

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as carousel image. The carousel will showcase all of your album posts.

This template have its own option that allow you to define the image width and height, but please note, USE IMAGE WITH DIMENSION MORE THAN YOUR CROP VALUE. Feel free to set the column of carousel image. For the example image we use 300px width, 800px height and 6 column carousel image.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click every image active on the carousel, it should be the center image with colored effect.

  • Concept Multi Scroll

IF you decide to choose this template as your main concept. PLEASE MAKE SURE your album posts total are on even number, because odd number will make this template broke.

This template need your album posts to be a pair.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside each section.

  • Concept Grid Image Flip

This template will show 3 of your gallery album images as a layer. You need to upload a lot of album posts so this template can have scroll. This template work better with more album items.

In this template, Header Option are disable, both of single page and theme options. This concept also not use page loader. The header will static using default header useless you change it on header options.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click selected album post items.

  • Concept 3 Grid Images

This template will show three of your gallery per album post. Album post itself will shown as slider with this concept.

To use this template, you must have minimal 3 Gallery Images per album to make the concpet work better.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Polaroid Stack 5 Images

This template will show five of your gallery per album post. Album post itself will shown as slider with this concept.

To use this template, you must have minimal 5 Gallery Images per album to make the concpet work better.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Card Stack 7 Images

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as slider image. The slider will showcase all of your album posts.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Asymmetrical 4 Images

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as slider image. The slider will showcase all of your album posts.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Grid 20 Images

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as slider image. The slider will showcase all of your album posts.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Round Images

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as slider image. The slider will showcase all of your album posts.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Rhomboid Images

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as slider image. The slider will showcase all of your album posts.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click “View Album” button inside slider.

  • Concept Polaroid Grid

This template will show your every Album Post type feature image as image grid. If you considered to use this concept template, then please use “Album” post type feature image at least 940 x 705px. Because this template will crop all album feature images.

This template have its own option that allow you to choose your post column. At the example image we use 3 column with container. You also free to choose the layout to container or fullwidth at page options.

If you check the “With Space” box, then your grid images will not have white spaces and sticky each other.

User or reader can directed to single album post with click each images.