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Post Type – Discography (Album)

Discography ( Album )

After you make your album post, display it with “Discography Template” or you can just call the team with “Discography Section” in home template with fill the post display number.

Step by step :
1. Enter title Here.
2. Fill the text editor with your content.
3. Add image here and the image will display as cover album.

The feature image will set as discography album thumbnail in both of home page and discography page template. After clicking you will direct to each single gallery post.

4. Fill the options will display detail on single post discography.

You can upload your own audio from local computer as a playlist or you can insert an url from souncloud playlist.

At the bottom of Discography Post Option, you will find “Featured Album” check box. If you check the box then your album will show at the home page as featured album playlist inside the slider. Only one post can show even you check 3 post.

Result single post audio using local file upload:
Result single post audio using soundcloud playlist url: