Page Template – Home
Home Template
Home template is same like about template, it’s have own meta-box blocks so you need to install the ACF plugin to use this page.

Slider Section
You need to create a slider first in Revolution Slider panel, or use our demo slider from imported data. Then copy the slider template alias into this form.


Review Section
This section contain counter repeater and testimonial post type that shown as slider. You can add a counter item as you want using icon or image. Also add few description on the top. Call the testimonial that you want to show on this section using relationship post field. You’re able to change the background color as you want and set the padding height.


Feature Section
Show 3 column feature text with icon. You can use icon from our page or use image png. This block is a repeater block that mean you can add much item as you want.


Service Section
This block will call your service posts to home page, just need to set how much post will display at page. You’re able to add some text and section title above the post loop. Also configure the background color and padding height.


Form Section
You can call a contact form into your home page using this block. Customize it with background color and padding height. You can add a HTML text at the left side.


Blog Section
Add a padding height and then set how much posts will display at home page. Now your latest posts will show at home page.


Partner / Client Section
This block is repeater block, so you can add much item as you want. You can add a link to each client iamge. The images will show as carousel. You also can set the background color for this section.
