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Irhas Project Block

Irhas block will show your Project  posts with your own order or default (latest post).

As a page builder block, Project block will allow users to customize their own posts style.

Screenshot are Project options.

  • Element Setting

Choose your project loop

  • Post Setting

In this section you will be able to set how much posts shown in a page. Also set the ordering for your project loop. Category filter will help you to sort what category to show in the page instead of showing all of your project posts.

  • Image Setting

Set your feature image project, you can allow force to crop image to

  • layout Setting

Like the section name, this section contain an option for setting the main news layout. You can set it as list (100% width) or you can make it horizontal and select the post column in a row. Add a margin bottom to each posts and give it padding if you want.

This option have 3 column select that have different function as their name, so you can set different column layout in mobile and tablet view.

  • Pagination Setting

Contain pagination setting that you can set to use or not.

We have 3 different pagination method, and specialy for pagination infinite type we created 3 spesific styles. You can change the text and the image loader also for this pagination type.

You need to set “SPECIFIC CLASS NAME for INFINITE SCROLL” in this option if you decide to use load more.

Result :