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How to change “menu” image or to add text?

1. For the menu, the three lines “hamburger” menu at up-corner-right is an image.

So if you want to change its image or color of the image, you need to edit by yourself using photo editor.

After that please replace the image with new image that you want in the same folder with the same name.

You can change the image here :

theme folder > img folder > mics folder > file named navigation-menu.png

2. You can add text menu in header.php in line 59.

Just change this code:

<div class=”menu”></div>


<div class=”menu”>Menu</div>

or, to add menu text you can add this to your style.css file :

.header .menu:before {
content: “MENU”;
position: absolute;
z-index: 0;
top: 0px;
right: 40px;
font-size: 22px;
color: #000;
.navigation .menu:before {
content: ” “;

Have a try. Cheers 🙂