Page Template – Home
Home template is same like about template, it’s have own meta-box blocks.

- Slider Block
Slider is repeater so you can add many slider there.


- Banner Block
Banner is a background color heading text that makes your word more readable.


- About Block
About block is text and image block that appear at the middle of content. You can choose the image animation type.


- Feature Block
Feature block is also repeater. This block allow you to set icon with Font Awesome icon or upload your PNG image as icon. You also can set the background and border for each items. Assign the animation and time delay for each items.


- Counter Block
Counter block is also repeater. You can add image background for counter section. You also allowed to choose animation type for each counter items.


- Teacher Block
Teacher block is post query builder for Teacher Post Type. You can choose to display it or not, and if show you can choose how many post show there. The teacher items will show as carousel block and tab function.


- Slogan Banner Block
This is slogan word with link button block.


- Class Home Block
This option will show your recent class post.


- Testimonial Block
This option will show your testimonial post. Also give the section background image.
